"The Curse of Vishala: The Forgotten Deity"
In the ancient kingdom of Vishala, nestled between the sacred rivers Saraswati and Ganga, there was once a powerful deity known only to a few - Kaalithra , the guardian of time and fate. Unlike the popular gods of Vishnu, Shiva, or Durga, Kaalithra was a deity who existed in the shadows of the great pantheon. His temples were hidden in dense forests, his name whispered only by the village elders, and his powers understood by a select few. Kaalithra’s role was simple but vital—he ensured the balance between the past, present, and future. Every moment that passed was kept safe in his cosmic wheel of time. The people of Vishala, in turn, worshipped him to maintain peace and prosperity.But as centuries passed, the people of Vishala slowly began to forget their guardian. New gods and heroes took the center stage—tales of Krishna’s divine play and the heroic epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata spread like wildfire. With time, even the elders stopped telling the stories of Kaalithra, h...
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